Indoor Bowling Club
The club meets in St. Bridget's Hall each Tuesday afternoon and evening from mid- September to the end of April.
The club is open to all residents of Stonehaven and District, with a very strong ladies' contingent playing mainly in the afternoons.
We play with normal sized green bowls on three carpets in the hall. We have two hour sessions.
The afternoon session from 2pm to 4pm is more of a 'social' occasion, although games are keenly fought. There is a tea break at half-time.
The evening session from 7pm to 9pm is run on a competition basis, with the first half played for points towards the annual championship over 15 games. The second half is split between a singles competition and a pairs competition.
All the competitions are played in a spirit of friendly rivalry and a great deal of good humour.
We have 'home and away' matches with Cookney bowling club each winter. The two meetings are fiercely fought with Carronside never quite getting the better of Cookney.
We have an end of season buffet at the beginning of May catered for by the members. The Minister, as Honorary President, presents the trophies to the year's winners.
The office bearers (President, Treasurer/Secretary) must be Carronside Church members but otherwise the club is open to everyone. Anyone wishing to taking up carpet bowling will receive a warm welcome to either or both the sessions on a Tuesday. We have several sets of club bowls available for use by newcomers.
Contact Allan Cairnduff on or Eileen Begg on should you wish any further information
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