
The Church of Scotland and Carronside Church are committed to ensuring a safe church for all, particularly children and vulnerable adults.

If you have any concerns for yourself or for others, please use one of the phone numbers or email address listed below.

You will be listened to!

The Church's key safeguarding message is:

“If you suspect or witness harm or abuse, or if it is reported to you, you must immediately report it to your Safeguarding Coordinator. Safeguarding Coordinator must contact the Safeguarding Service for advice.”

  • The Safeguarding Service of the Church of Scotland can be reached by clicking HERE

  • The Church of Scotland's Safeguarding Policy Statement can be reached by clicking HERE

    Or on the noticeboards in the Church and St Bridget's (look for the blue coloured posters)

  • Safe Recruitment for Volunteers

    If you are thinking of volunteering in Carronside Church, you will be made very welcome. If the volunteer work involves children or vulnerable adults, then it may be “regulated work” and we are required to follow “Safe Recruitment” procedures. This includes seeking references, an interview and registration with Disclosure Scotland so that we can add you to our Safeguarding Register.

    Please contact David Macdonald, Safeguarding Coordinator, (see below), who will guide you through the process.

  • Training

    The Church of Scotland provides training for Church elders, volunteers and the Safeguarding Coordinator in our Safeguarding responsibilities and procedures.

  • Carronside Church Safeguarding Coordinator is:
    David Macdonald
    (text or phone)
  • The Carronside Church Safeguarding Panel members are:
    David Macdonald Safeguarding Coordinator
    Brian Sim Session Clerk