Mission and Outreach Team
The Mission and Outreach Team is led by the Minister with a remit to work out how we may bring resources to the best effect to become a 'mission' congregation that consists of people who have first experienced the love of Christ and are then sent out by Christ to love and serve others.
- What are we doing within the walls of our church buildings, service by service?
- What are we doing to care for, support and encourage the members of the congregation in their homes, schools, places of work and leisure?
- What are we doing out in the wider community to share the love of God?
Which of these three questions is the most important? They are all key areas of our work but to which of these should we devote most time, energy and resource? The answers we give will determine whether we are a congregation in 'maintenance' or 'mission' mode.
'Maintenance' is about keeping things ticking over, looking after those already 'within the walls', waiting for others to come in and join us.
'Mission' is about reaching out and serving the people of our town, our parish, our community. Reaching out to people where they are — physically and metaphorically — to offer practical help, emotional support, care and friendship - whatever they need.
We do not wish to 'reinvent' the wheel and to duplicate work already being done. Nor do we have unlimited resources, human or financial, at our disposal so we plan to co-operate as far as possible with other congregations, groups and individuals already active or preparing to do so. We have done a lot of talking and with Kirk Session approval have identified some key areas as detailed in the congregational five year plan:
- supporting existing carers and care groups
- befriending lonely or isolated individuals
- children and young families
- elderly
- welcome pack for new comers
- raising the church's profile in the town
Mission and Outreach Team Priorities:-
- Develop an outline plan for Mission and Outreach
- Encourage whole congregation commitment to Mission and Outreach