World Mission Team
Carronside Church is a Fair Trade Church and uses only Fair Trade products at its events. We promote these goods every year during the Fair Trade Fortnight when we arrange for the sales tables in each Church on the appropriate dates in the Spring.
We support the work of Christian Aid in May each year when the main Christian Aid week takes place. Although street collections used to happen in earlier years, lack of volunteers has meant this no longer takes place. We share the work with the all Churches in Stonehaven and this works well.
Retiring collections from the Communions and other services are directed to other needy causes throughout the year as circumstances dictate.
October/November is the time for filling shoeboxes with presents for the Blythswood Trust's annual appeal. Generally around
100 boxes are donated and we can see from the DVDs just how appreciated these small tokens are to those who really have nothing.
Closer to home but still part of Mission, our local Christmas Giving Tree Appeal links with the Salvation Army to supply gifts to local families. Throughout the year, there are boxes in the Church and St Bridget's for donations of groceries, toiletries etc for the Aberdeen Cyrenians who support the homeless and disadvantaged in the City and the local area.
World Mission Team Priorities: -
- Encourage prayer support for world mission
- Increase annual Christian Aid contributions
- Respond appropriately to emergencies.