Worship Team

The Worship Group supports the Minister in a variety of ways with the planning of services, calendar of events and on occasion, in the absence of the Minister, leading worship. During Sunday services, members of the Group, along with other members of the linked charge, regularly assist with readings and prayers.

Another responsibility of the Group involves preparation for Communion. Members of the group are among the volunteers who are on the rota of volunteers to be part of the welcome team and bus escort and the rota of those who provide tea/coffee after the Sunday service.

In addition to supporting the Sunday services, some of the group also volunteer to help with the sound service. They are in charge of recording the Sunday service and any special events and then copies are made on a CD, which is then available to anyone who cannot attend church and/or the event. This service is predominantly for the housebound and elderly members of our congregation but anyone who would like a CD should speak to one of the Sound Team.

A time of prayer is held in the Upper Room at Dunnottar Church on the fourth Sunday of the month at 9.45am.

Joint convenors for Dunnottar are Hazel Paterson and Ros Marshall.


  • Prayer life
  • Greater involvement of people in worship
  • Encourage exploration of Faith Groups
  • Working together across the linkage